AuthentiTrack Enterprise

Ideal for companies that have multiple lines within their facility that need to be serialized, the AuthentiTrack Enterprise solution encompasses the site, line, packaging units — and the devices within the packaging unit — to provide a complete serialization operation at the plant level. The AuthentiTrack Enterprise solution offers connections to your ERP system for the automated exchange of product-related master data required for serialized product. After the merchandise is packaged and shipped, a connection to the AuthentiTrack Cloud provides serial number provisioning and an event history repository.

AuthentiTrack Prime

AuthentiTrack Prime is a practical solution for companies in need of a timely and affordable serialization solution for a semi-automatic or manual, low-volume packaging operation. There is no need for a site controller since data is sent directly from the AuthentiTrack Cloud to the packaging line unit controller. The system is designed to be up and running within hours and provides all the components required for serialization operations in a compact and easy to use system for manufacturers across a variety of industries.  AuthentiTrack Prime can interface with industry accepted printers and verifiers, without using proprietary hardware. Integration to existing or future ERP systems is easily accomplished.

AuthentiTrack Cloud

AuthentiTrack Cloud is an EPCIS certified serialization cloud solution that provides GS1 EPCIS certification, serial number provisioning, and notification interfaces built on top of a serial event history repository to provide a brand integrity solution based on serial numbers. It also provides brand owners’ compliance for FDA DSCSA requirements.

 AuthentiTrack Gateway

AuthentiTrack Gateway is an EPCIS certified serialization gateway solution that provides GS1 EPCIS certification, serial number provisioning, and notification interfaces for communicating with external EPCIS providers and brand owners on behalf of contract manufacturers. The gateway handles serialization communication between the packaging line systems and external parties to handle the complexity of messaging format requirements between different EPCIS providers.

 AuthentiTrack VRS

AuthentiTrack Verification Router Service automates DSCSA compliance by managing the acceptance, formatting, and delivery of verification requests and responses for pharmaceutical saleable returns of serialized products in the U.S. It supports secure data exchange between manufacturers and distributors that confirms the authenticity of drug labels, determining if a returned product is in a state which allows resale. This verification standard provides a streamlined, purpose-built request/response messaging set while remaining a globally standardized solution. The system is interoperable with our AuthentiTrack platform and with any other solution providers using GS1 guidelines, in addition to integration with any lookup directory – including block chain or proprietary solutions.